Obviously, if programming host containing programming database either NIS, DNS, or whatever has been compromised, programming intruder can convince programming target host that s/he is coming from any relied on host; it is now sufficient programmers find out which hosts are relied on by programming target. This task is often significantly helped by examining where system directors and system bills equivalent to root, etc. last logged in from. Going back programmers our target, victim. com, you note that root and a few other system money owed logged in from big. victim. Thanks for programming long considerate reply. I’ll only add that traditional logic programming is truly constraint logic programming over tree terms probably endless with just one constraint unification!This was known in programming late 80s and constraint logic programming is just computing device technology generalization of programming fashioned idea not laptop science completely new direction. ok. So this is computing device science incredible discussion. Google brought me here simply because I was googling programming phrase: “aren’t programming constraints in constraint logic programming just relations?”You can see why I came programmers this post: I am bothered by programming what I view as an pointless distinction of paradigms not technologies called “logic programming” and “constraint logic programming” when I don’t feel that that contrast is warranted for purposes aside from 1 historical and 2 implementation issues. I am either afflicted simply because I don’t quite understand possible or there really is no valid contrast as explained by 1 and 2 above also possible.